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Another misfit in this so called perfect world.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

5th march 2011

Let's start from 4th march - couldn't write yesterday. So, day began with RRKS's paper - MPC. As expected, he gave a case which we could not crack. We had thought of a scheduling case - 'Scheduling at Bellop' because he gave this case last year but, this time RRKS changed his surprise. Instead of Bellop he gave Dazzle Lamp case which was of aggregate planning. He gave us 90 minutes to crack the case which ran over more than 20 pages and was full of data. I had no idea what to do so, I just wrote some case facts in answer sheet. I know I had screwed it big time but, I don't have any regrets. Even though RRKS would have given me 5 hrs to solve the case I could not have done it. So, was I alone in this situation - I believe not, the whole class was in same situation. So, rejoice - that's the benefit of relative marking system. After that, we started preparing case for project finance. We were short of data, CWDL's information was not available on internet. However, we managed to make a case of 20 - 22 pages which is quite an overshoot from the expected length. I worked till 2 in the morning to finish case and ppt. Everybody contributed. Well, I have seen other group's work. Our work looked better - a case well written.

On 5th morning, I woke up early to finish up the remaining work. Sardar's presentation was about to begin at 10:30 in the morning so we took the prints and went for class. Our was Group 4. We did not do any analysis for the case because as per our opinion, Sardar would have expected only case this time. But, to our surprise he was expecting analysis too. Anyways, we will submit it later. I came back to room after lunch. We played cricket in corridor. I will miss this more than anything else friends - Gopa, HK, Pandey G. They have really accommodated me too much. Today there was a cricket match also - Aus vs Sri Lanka. I started watching it but, soon fell into sleep that too just half an hour before Sardar's next session was going to begin at 4 'o clock. So, I missed the second half of case presentation. After I woke up at 6:30 in d evening, I was feeling little bit relaxed but, gloomy also. After dinner, I went for a walk alone. I don't like this period of life, each day I am thinking about the life after college. I will really miss college days. I came back to hostel after walk and founf pahadi and salil gearing up for cricket. We have now halogen lights in basket ball court so, night cricket is now on. We played cricket for more than 3 hrs. Similar rules - one tip one hand out, direct bounce outside the court out and one run for touching the ball with bat. Now, I am back to my room. I am not feeling sleepy.

Tomorrow, I don;t have any task to do. So, I will watch movie tonight. Or, probably we will go for clicking some photographs in d morning. Let's see. Going for a movie.


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