About Me

Another misfit in this so called perfect world.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Move on

They say - Life is an incessant teacher. Agreed - Word by word, syllable by syllable. It teaches you lessons till the time you learn, even though it is harder way.

Wrote these few lines in train while coming from home. Journey always ignites some thought in mind, especially when you are alone and weather outside changes after each stop.

कई दिन बरसे बादल,
कई मौसम से निगाहों में नमी छायी थी |
काले धब्बे रह गए थे किनारों पे,
कैसी सौगात जिंदगी से पायी थी ?

आज सुबह चटकीली धूप छाते ही,
हमने ओसारे में गीला 'दिल' उतार रखा है |
सूख जाए तो फिर 'जलेगा' पल दो पल,
अकेले मुसाफिर को इतना साथ काफी है |

Slowly - slowly, time and journey give you courage to say "Move on" even if you can't overcome the worst.

- Gyan

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