About Me

Another misfit in this so called perfect world.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

IIT kanpur 1

A few days back when I returned from college and was looking for our hall 10 dhobi in hostel, a found a discussion going on. These dhobis at IIT (at other places also) are like a lifeline and, we recognised this fact during our first few days when RamRaj took our clothes and did not return it even after 15 days. The situation became so thought provoking that some of my friends presented it as a skit before the audience in fresher party. Since then, we are always careful in giving our clothes to them.

Jokes apart, the discussion was on the current situation of dhobis at IIT. We had already heard enough about IIT K - Nankari issue from RV but, I never gave enough attention to his thoughts. For those who don't know about this issue, IIT K is in the vicinity of Nankari village. When this college was established, vilagers from nankari were displaced, their lands were snatched from them. In lieu of that, they might have been given some compensation (that I always feel must have been too meagre) or some kind of work in this institution. A few of them became dhobis. Its been 50 years that this institution was established. And, now the descendants of those people are in the same business of providing service to IIT K. But, there have been many attempts from college management to remove them. This IIT K - Nankari issue has taken a critical shape here.

Well, any stand on this issue needs a first-hand research but, It gives me a feeling that something somewhere is wrong. Sometimes, I strongly agree with RV's take on this so called 'The Great IIT system'. Till the time, I do not get a deeper understnading of this issue, I have no rights to comment.


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