About Me

Another misfit in this so called perfect world.

Monday, December 8, 2014

दफ़्तर का हाल

आदमी की सर पे सवार  आदमी,
आदमी की सुनता दहाड़ आदमी ।
देखता हूँ रोज ये तमाशा ए रोजगार,
रूह है बिकती यहाँ , खरीददार आदमी ।

मिलते हैं रोज हंसकर ये डरते हुए चेहरे
शाम तक मुरझा जाता है आदमी ।
आता है पशोपेश में, जाता है सिमट कर,
किस जहर का  होता है शिकार आदमी ?

वो कौन सी जात, हुकूमत है जिसकी,
कि करने को है तैयार कारोबार आदमी ?
ये मेरे दफ्तर का अर्ज ए बयां ग़ालिब,
होता है रोज यहाँ शर्मसार आदमी ।

Monday, September 22, 2014

Read this article on Plash - Presenting the summary over here:

13 Reasons Why You Will Never Be Successful:

1. You push off responsibility
  I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. ~ William Ernest Henley

2. You procrastinate
  Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy. ~ Wayne Gretzky

3. You are a perfectionist
  Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along. ~ Napoleon Hill

4. You are afraid of criticism
  To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. ~ Aristotle

5. You are afraid of failure
  It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. ~ J.K. Rowling

6. You are darn lazy 
Formula for success: rise early, work hard, strike oil. ~ J. Paul Getty 

7. You lack originality and creativity
  Trusting your individual uniqueness challenges you to lay yourself open. ~ James Broughton

8. You play it solo
  Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a progress; working together is a success. ~ Henry Ford

9. You are ungrateful Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. ~ Brian Tracy

10. You fail to learn from your mistakes
  Learning from your mistakes is an essential skill that enables you to develop the resilience to be a master of change rather than a victim of change. ~ Brian Tracy

11. You don’t believe in yourself
  When your desires are strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. ~ Napoleon Hill

12. You lack consistency
  We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle

13. You have stopped growing
  Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development. ~ Jim Rohn

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tom Hanks in 'You've got mail'

"Do you ever feel you become the worst version of yourself? That a Pandora's box of all the secret hateful parts - your arrogance, your spite, your condescension -- has sprung open. Someone provokes you and instead of smiling & moving on, you zing them? ... When you finally have the pleasure of saying the thing you mean to say at the moment you mean to say it, remorse inevitably follows." -- Tom Hanks in 'You've got mail'.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


It's been more than an year that I wrote something on this page. I could not gather my thoughts during last couple of months - just ran for some goals, some objectives which I thought were bigger than any other thing in life. I need a rest, hence I am returning to this blog - to write once again, to be my self once again. Sitting in a corner seat in office, I am able to watch this office and its activities from a third person's view. Some known faces, many unknown faces, some scattered smiles, some bubbling aspirations, some sleeping ambitions -- all of this is here. Its a reflection of what I am. I see myself in all these people and that keeps me together else I would have fallen apart. There is a world outside and there is a world inside - and to the biggest astonishment both are same. Its just that we haven't heard the voice of inner world, we haven't explored it. I believe there is no person in this world who is only noble or only servile in his thoughts and deeds. We are a mix - we are both. This keeps me in hope and I have learnt to forgive myself. That's why I become uncomfortable when people ask me to answer in black and white. I can't deny the possibilities of the other side. To me, everything can happen, everything is possible - there is nothing which doesn't exist for me. If it can exist in thought, it can exist in reality as well. At last, what is a thought? It is just a reflection of reality. Even if somebody says there is no God & he is an atheist, he implies that there is a thought like God and he is not able to personify it because he is not able to realize it. But, realization doesn't stop the possibility of existence. That possibility of existence gives me hope. To me, there is nothing right, nothing wrong; there is nothing pure, nothing impure; nothing moral, nothing amoral - these are just the dimensions which have been developed over the years by trained human minds. Look from a person standing outside of the scene & you will realize that it just action. Action in the purest form is the reward of situation. And when I see this world from this perspective, it all looks a child'd play to me. It lacks the seriousness we are being taught over the years. We are trained to view it as if it is a complex world. That's wrong, it is a simple world with simple rules of play. Let's not lower the charm of being playful in life. I am returning to this blog with this thought. I am hopeful that this world will keep me amazed with the enormous possibilities it holds behind. Its a beautiful thing to watch you from a third person perspective. Let's learn this art.