About Me

Another misfit in this so called perfect world.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A welcome change

We see people, we try to become like them and in that pursuit we find our paths and destination. That is how this world progresses. Learning can't be imparted until it is exemplified. A good teacher must set a standard that his students should aspire.

Recently I heard Dr. JPN, in Techkriti. An inspirational leader, a good orator and sometimes, an intelligent commander... JPN ignites that fire of working for the people. Politics can't be separated from the youth. It is a sin if the best of this country turn their faces from the problems. This world needs the best to come out and find the solutions of its problems. And, Politics is the means of achieving this highest feat of human service.

If I remember correctly, in Bhagwad Geeta, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna about KarmYoga. What should be the motto of a human life? Should not human being try to achieve salvation through GyanYoga only? And Krishna replies that there is no way one can escape from the bondages of this world. The only way to satisfy both the ends is to work with detachment. It is the sacred duty of the individual to work for the well being of the society. One can't reach satisfaction without fulfilling his duties for the society. Till the time, there is tears in the eyes of society it is there in the eyes of all of us. KarmYoga is a brilliant piece of philosophical talk. One should look it in the views of our today's world and realize that it covers all the aspects of human behaviour.

Recently I was reading about farmer suicides in India. It was shameful to know that the country that produces lakhs and lakhs of engineers has suffered more than 2 lakh suicide in last 4 years. Every 30 min. there is a suicide happening in this nation and still we are happy in comparing our GDP growths with that of China. A few people told me that I was getting over carried on such topics. Forgive me, If I am over carried but, isn't it an issue to ponder about? Are we so much insensible that it hardly matters to what happens in our neighbourhood? I hope, not. The only thing is that we are happy in our lives and do not want to get involved in such issues either because of our fear or because of our undone situation. And if that is the situation, we have no rights to question about anything in this world. There are lot many problems that haunt our future and we are living like nothing happens in this world. Till when we will keep on saying "All izz well?"

I have many questions to ask from myself but, I do not know how to find their solution? But, I know it is either now or never.


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