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Another misfit in this so called perfect world.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The death of 'To Know'

There are some questions in life, which give a shift to thought process. Our society has developed in a very conservative manner. It does not allow us to question its rules and phenomena. One of the such phenomena is our education system. When did you last time attended a class with the only one motto 'To Know'. 'To Know' crosses all the boundaries of other benefits associated with accumulation of knowledge. It is just a thirst of knowing something without thinking about its uses. It is a natural curiosity.

Let is analyse in this manner. Human beings are not that much physically strong. They don't have any such strong physical ability on which they can bank on to get their daily food. But, as widely known, they have got mind which helps them in manipulating the environment in their favour. Previously, when population was low, people had enough resources to get their livelihood. At that time, people had freedom to chose from choices. This led them to become rational in their choices. As population increased, it gave birth to scarcity of resources. People had less choices. Now, all their efforts were directed towards achieving their daily utilities, comforts etc. This severely affected the way people behave. It directly impacted their priorities in life.

'To Know' was affected by this same phenomenon. We started giving less priorities to our curiosities since childhood. We were conditioned in such a manner that our hidden motives always over shadowed the true quench of knowledge. 'To Know' was replaced by 'How useful'. Our educational system is just a provider of educational facilities in society. A provider can't take place of a jury. It can't decide what is to be provided. It just goes by the demands of its customers, in this case our society. Our educational system, institutions can't be blamed for the death of 'To Know'.

Giving rise to 'To Know' looks dismal in current context. But, the speed with which society is changing, we can predict that the future will not be similar to today.

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